Winston Churchill

"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My horse is talking to me, will I listen?

What I really want to write about is Pat and Linda Parelli, but there is so much to say that it will have to wait for another blog. My next favourite topic is my horse Cisco. So here we go: I don't know if any of you remember in one of the Savvytime magazine the article by Linda titled; "The Ambassador of Yes". It came back to me a couple of days ago because Cisco and I have those lovely conversations going on. This is how it goes:
Cisco" Mum can I go to this paddock for a graze?"
Me:"Sure honey, Why not?"
Cisco:"Mum, I need a drink, Can we stop the the water trough?"
Me:"Of course babe, let's do that, I'll have a drink too"
Cisco: "Mum, I'm tired, can we stop now?"
Me:"No, we've still got work to do, I haven't ticked all the boxes for today"

Well, this did not end well. We had a bit of an argument, and Cisco was right, he had worked well, he was tired and it was wrong for me to ask for that one more thing, and when I realised, it made me feel mean spirited.
So, I now make a very conscious effort to listen to Cisco when he talks to me. He always asks so nicely and when I say "yes" we end up going back to the barn feeling both great and happy in each others company. It is hard to bit the old school out of me. "You vill do vhat I say, Now!" but I'm getting there and I have such a willing loving little horse that if anything I owe it to him to be the best human I can.

PS: For those none Parelli people who might stumble on this blog, Cisco as amazing as he is, does not really talk, and I am not his real Mum either!!!

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