Winston Churchill

"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man"

Friday, April 15, 2011

The process of learning.

I often think, if only I could do everything that Pat or Linda Parelli suggest in their DVDs I would be a great horseman! So what is stopping me?

As a school teacher, I understand the process of learning: You have to be ready! It doesn't matter how great the teacher, if the student is not ready to work with that concept, he just can't learn it. It is very obvious when teaching young children. If you try to teach a child to read the time on a clock before they have assimilate the time concept, it doesn't matter how bright the child, it doesn't matter that they can already read numbers, they just can't learn to read the time.

I am discovering, as an adult that it is pretty similar. It is very interesting because now I am on the learner's side of the fence and I consider myself a super learner, always got High Distinction at uni... but with horsemanship, which is quite new for me, I cannot assimilate all the teaching of the Parelli Program by an act of will.
To be a good horseman we have to take the time it takes, just as we do with our horses.

Today I finally got the concept of doing the same program for 7 days in a row. I have heard Pat saying this a hundred times but I just didn't actually properly get it. As a LBE, it doesn't come naturally to me. I want to do too many things at once. For the sake of my horse, I had to make myself do it!
The results have been awesome! Things we have struggled with for months have just got better and I have discovered that in actual fact, I do enjoy the consistency because the reward is in seeing your horse getting better so much quicker.
My horse is so ready to learn that it is hard to keep up! I am looking forward to my next breakthrough.
I just love it when suddenly something you have been hearing for a while becomes part of you!

This is such a fun, exciting journey!


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